
I wonder sometimes, if there's a thing I can do

To best hold on to my memory of you

For the lives we live seem to differ in pace

You are growing so fast while I'm frozen in place

Was it a month, a week, or an hour ago

That your very first tooth had begun to show?

Now with three others where I thought there were none,

You've already arrived when I've only begun

I wonder sometimes, what it must be like

To see as brand new what I thought was common in life

All things are miraculous and more mysterious than not

Such things are the things that, somehow, I forgot

You are a master, by nature, of a most precious art

To love like a child and to be childlike at heart

May you never lose one single grain of this craft

It will lead you to truth when simple days have gone past

I wonder sometimes, what great changes you'll make

In this mad, spinning world that seems to orbit 'round hate

Children, they say, are a God-send indeed

And God sends what can mend this shattered world's need

In your short time you've made quite the start

For you've melted the ice of this calloused heart

May it never be said that you have nothing to share

You have strengths that will come when their time is prepared

I wonder sometimes, if God gave me you

To teach me the miracles that he can do

To make known the manner of love he conveys

Through the lamb and the lion in which he's portrayed

For a lamb I will be, by your side as you grow

A friend and a guide, the most gentle you'll know

But should any fool dare to wish you harm or disgrace

'till death or Time's end, I'll be the lion they face

I wonder sometimes, if I'm doing things right

To figure by day and to ponder by night

What can be done to preserve what has past?

How best can I make this memory last?

Can I save you from worry by keeping you small?

If I could, would I notice you growing at all?

Can this be the reason that it seems to be

You've acquired your age so suddenly?

I wonder sometimes, how the sum of times wondered

Renders the remainder of days that are numbered?

Alas, it is true that no effort can add

One single minute or second of life to be had

So teach me once more, my child my dear

To be unprepared for right now and right here

To give each day the patience and marvel it's due

That I may cherish each moment with the wonder of you

Tags: _writing _poetry _january2017 _2017